This game features too many dialogues at the start and very little player interaction, the story is good though. More interaction in the game, such as player movement and action would be great. It's very boring if there is no interaction, there are times were I would get bored and skim-read the dialogues and have my hands on the WASD keys preparing to move the character, but the game seems to feature little if no character movement whatsoever, I have not finished the game yet so I only know what I played up to so far. In a normal RPG game, if you have only gone through a bunch of dialogues at the start and have not interacted at all other than choosing the words of a character's speech, then that means you have not started the game properly yet. I know that this is intended to be more like a novel but I did expect it to be more like a game though. Perhaps it would be great if it was made so that the actions are done by the players such as picking up objects by pressing a key, walking up to people etc.
I’m not used to the visual novel genre so me coming from conventional video games, I find it less engaging and I thought that more interaction would be good especially for people with a shorter attention span like me. Also I finished the game btw.
ok cool but like..this is a good visual novel that abides by its genre's standards. saying "it would be great" if it did things visual novels rarely if ever do is not a really valid critique, it's a personal subjective issue with the format of this genre. i have very severe adhd and a very short attention span and still enjoyed this (and other games where i dont move the character but can activate my imagination) quite a lot
This was such a beautiful story, meaning both the storytelling and the visuals! Also, the choices are very thoughtfully built. (While I couldn't figure them out myself, after reading the guide in the artbook, I am impressed.) I enjoyed the little verses at the beginning of every day, was a nice little touch. And you did a great job with the foreshadowing of who Elowen is. I only wish there was more of the game, if we could have read more of the conversation between the two ladies in the seven days. I really enjoyed this game, you all did an amazing job, thank you for making it!
What an enjoyable experience. I'm still in the process of unlocking all the endings, but I wanted to say that I love the artwork and the writing. The GUI is also so stylish. Thank you for making this visual novel.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS GAME I JUST FINISHED PLAYING THIS GAME AND IT'S EVERYTHING I COULD'VE ASKED FOR... The characters are so well-written it hurts, the background and just the art in general is so gorgeous and and suits the story so well, and I love the writing!! The dialogue flowed well and the verses (?) at the beginning of each day and ending were PERFECT, my favorite one was this one: "Without wisdom or experience,
storms shall ill-weathered be.
But when you are nearby, dear one,
no storms can bother me."
So cute... This game was so cute. I'm missing just one bad ending right now but I'll figure out how to get it eventually. THANK YOU!
Hello everyone! I hope you've been well. It was the 1 year release anniversary for Without a Voice a couple days ago, and while I couldn't prepare anything grand, I wanted to draw a Elowen/Cassidy kabedon, so I did!
Thank you for all the support and love throughout the year, everyone!
Honestly, I gotta say this is unexpectedly good. The art style, the music and the storyline just go so well together. Thank you guys for the masterpiece
I love the story but getting any good ending is hard. Sometimes it may be hard to tell if the choice is meaningful or not. And some answers sound a bit similar. Could you write some kind of ending guide?
Edit: After few more tries and rethinking my choices I was able to get Good Ending :D no more need of guide... at least for me ...
Artwork was great, the story was nice, but the gameplay to unlock stories was quite off. I couldn't find much logic into the outcomes, and had to follow a walkthrought list. Which is kinda sad. :o
This is truly stunningly beautiful. I ADORED the art, it seriously fascinated me! I COULD STARE AT THE CHARACTERS AND THOSE BACKGROUNDS FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG. This is just extremely well made and I could see the ton of hard work put into it! I love the story (although i don't know everything about it just yet, still exploring but but it's very interesting!) and the romance between the Elowen and Cassidy (ok but lemme take a moment to point out how beautiful their names are ;;) is so astonishingly well written, as i read through, i almost could feel cassidy's emotions, aNd HELL IT'S ADORABLE. Awesome story telling tho, although as a bookworm, i read EVERYTHING regardless, this never got boring at ANY point which happens a lot with many other games i played! LOVE THE CHARACTERS, THE GIRLS ARE MY BABIES NOW GOSH ILOVETHEMSOMUCH. oVEraLL, THANKS SOOOOOO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS!!!!! I'd love to support but being broke really isn't helping me here :'D cOLLEGE IS DOING ME DIRTY SO I NEED EVERY PENNY, but I'll definitely try and support when I got more money on my hands >-<
Lmao tho,,,, EVERYONE IS GETTING THE GOOD ENDINGS FIRST AND STRUGGLING WITH WITH THE BAD ENDINGS AND ENDING 8,,,, and then u got me,,, I GOT ENDING 8 FIRST,,, iS thAt weiRD??? =^='''''' I didn't even try cUz I juST stARteD pLAYinG. bUT I GOD I LOVED IT. Not leaving spoilers cuz apparently people are having a hard time with it? idk but comments be telling me that 0-0
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The was this visual novel was put together was like reading a play. The writing was in tune with the setting and time period and made the special moments and good endings wonderful. I only played through the 2 good endings, I was too scared to go and find all the bad ones. The was the love between Cassidy and Elowen progressed and bloomed dident seem rushed or burdened by common VN tropes. The fact that it was a Yuri love story wasent flaunted or just used as a excuse to show them nude/partially nude or suggestive. It the writing dident seem hindered and the story was written with such eloquence that it felt like a real story told through time. I loved everything, the writing, the poems, the art, and the music. Everything was put together in such a astonishing way that I couldent stop reading until I got both good endings. The romance is sweet and almost childlike, and the tinge of supernatural gave it more depth. I really enjoyed reading this beautiful story it was really amazing!
Such a beautiful VN, I really enjoyed reading it and finding all of the endings <3
And sorry for asking you here, but I couldn't find any email or anything like that: are you planning translating it in other languages, perhaps? My first language is Russian, I have a linguistics degree and I'm currently trying to find projects where I could participate so that later I would have a nice portfolio. I'd be really glad if you would agree to at least discuss this possibility. Thank you!
Hello! Thank you so much for playing, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!
We don't have any plans to translate it to other languages - I can't speak for the quality of the TL since I can't speak Russian, but there seems to already be a fan Russian TL of Without a Voice! I think the team name is Sol Taere..? Thank you so much for offering though.
Really enjoyed this, one of the better VN's I've ever played. The relationship between characters felt real and sincere, as well as individual choices affecting ending not just adding up points to a possible outcome. I can only look forward to your next project.
Aww thank you so much! We're so glad you enjoyed it. Balancing those points between the endings was definitely one of the trickier parts of making the game.
We're busily working on some more stuff, so hopefully we'll have that for people to enjoy soon!
Hi! I'm absolutely excited to play this game but I have a question. Would it be alright if I stream while playing this game? I'm new to streaming and have waited for the game to finally be released so I can play it on a stream, please reply to this comment and let me know! I appreciate the hard work put into the game and I will give full credit to everyone involved in the making of the game. Thanks! 😀
Typo it says "The final release was on May 20, 2020." its may 18 2020 and your final release was 59 days ago I think you got the wrong "M" month but the game was Really good
First, let me say that this is so beautiful!! Thank you so much for creating this game. I love everything about it (I could listen to the music all day!)
I had purchased the DLC through Steam but I can’t seem to access it at all. I’m worried I should have downloaded it directly though itch in order to view.
On Steam, you'll have to go to the game folder itself. From Steam, try going to your local files and see if it's there! If it isn't please let me know and I'll figure something out for you.
I really enjoyed reading this! I especially liked the lovely background art with all the flowers. I also thought it was really cool how each character had their own little dialogue box that went translucent when the other was talking. If you ever consider writing up a tutorial on how you programmed that, I'd love to see it!
I have played this game on steam and I really loved it. Can't describe with words how much I ship those cuties <3 . Thanks for making this wonderful game.
I just completely finished Without a Voice and I just wanted to say I could see the huge amount of effort and love put into this project and I cannot wait to see what you will be producing in the future.
I just finished getting all of the endings and this game is so beautiful. All of the bad endings broke my heart, but the good endings were so lovely that it makes getting them all the more satisfying. I downloaded and played the game on steam but I've also happily purchased it here as well so I could get the beautiful artbook. <3
i really enjoyed this!! i'm currently trying to get a happier ending :( but wow!! this game is really beautiful with a great story!! super enjoyable, and congrats on the release!! <3
edit: i just got ending 8 and i could not be more pleased :')
Ending 8 is the ending you get when you don't trigger the other endings - it's not too important but being a little nonsensical might help. For ending 2... try feeding into Cassidy's paranoia.
Edit: I made a mistake and I'm a terrible dev, I was describing ending 6 instead of 8!!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry. feralphoenix has it right though!!!
i had a hard time with those too lol... there's a guide to how to get each ending in the artbook if you can afford throwing 5 bucks at the devs!
if not, i'm not sure what would be good advice for getting ending 2, but i think getting ending 8 takes a delicate balance of having cassidy believe the best of elowen/not dwell too much on her ~true nature~ while Also not completely giving up faith in alexander. at the "what's cassidy's final impression of elowen" choice i had all 4 options which had never happened before in my other playthroughs.
Oh dear, I spent another 2 hours yesterday trying to get those two missing endings... and I couldn't manage it. I've had all four options too and yet they did not make a difference.
It's nice to know that there's an artbook with a guide but right now it would be really irresponsible for me to spend money since I got sent home to be in lockdown without my paycheck :(
To the devs: you just released this and I'm already yearning for another game from you ;D
Ahh you can do it!!! Another tip for ending 2 would be, hmm... Cassidy needs to figure things out, while having a healthy dose of mistrust towards everyone around her.
Well yeah it looked pretty much same to me. But thats ok.
And btw with this overly-complicated nonlinear system i really suggest you made a simpliest walkthrough to answer further cries and complaints - just plain list of choices for each ending.
Oh, I hope you enjoyed it! It definitely still is in development, I just finished off the last event illustrations yesterday! It might take just a little longer, but I hope you'll play the full game too~
You're off to a terrific start. The slight but consistent changes to Elowen's expressions (especially the lips) is to die for and what really make a VN pop. Keep up the great work!
I can't tell you how excited I was to see that this game updated!! I'm so glad that you are still working on it, and the new demo is really great - although the narrative didn't seem to change too much from the first (as I was hoping, it's a promising/interesting start), it's good that the choices become more dialogue-based. The visuals are beautiful and the story is so mysterious and enchanting. I can't wait for the full release!
This is a really beautiful game. I really like the art style, mechanics, portraits to indicate who is speaking, background, story arc, characters, and all the options in the menu you can choose from.
When I first went through the game however I noticed the exact same as Crowthorne did about the limited options in choosing. It feels like you can only choose how Cassidy is feeling about events (I counted and you have only one option for different movements instead of emotions/feelings in the demo).
What I also noticed is that the save system doesn't have an indication for the process of the game. (You don't know where in the game you are) Maybe you can introduce a percentage or day system or something.
Anyway I am really looking forward to the game. (let the romance start already!) ;)
Thank you so much for the feedback! We're working hard on the full version and I think there's some things that people will like!
I will definitely consider the save system info - I'm thinking of maybe putting in playtime as a piece of info into the save slot? That being said, I'm not great at coding so I'm not sure if that's viable. Maybe chapter titles?
Thanks so much again! I hope you enjoy the full release.
Wow. I was REALLY impressed by this demo. The art is beautiful, and it's evident that your writer is well-read from the quality of the prose. I'll eagerly await the full version!
I really liked this. The music is quite beautiful and fits the tone of the game well, the art is gorgeous (the backgrounds remind me a little of Odin Sphere, which I haven't really played but was very impressed with the background art of when I saw it), and the writing is evocative and polished.
The starting point was a little confusing the first time. I didn't even know what Cassidy was exasperated by or tired with, when I was making the choice...
The choices in the demo didn't feel that significant (a lot of them being what Cassidy thinks while doing the same thing), the first time playing through, but I did notice one of the earlier choices actually removing an option from a later choice, so I'm guessing the full game may have more significant ones. I wouldn't really mind playing what amounts to a kinetic novel that's yuri and looks this pretty, either, though.
Either way, I'm excited to play the full game. I still have lots of questions, and the demo mostly just raised more.
P.S. The in-game link to this page during the demo ending doesn't work, sending you to "https//" (missing a colon). Also, I think "Elowen's" here should be "Cassidy's"? Still a stunning level of polish, though.
Thank you very much!!! It's really flattering to be compared to Odin Sphere wah ;o; Thanks for spotting the mistakes, we'll definitely snipe them for the full release!
Lore is doing some pretty cool stats for the in-game choices and there are a number of significantly different endings! It's a short game but there a ton of variations, even in the demo alone. We'll try our best to get this released soon!
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This game features too many dialogues at the start and very little player interaction, the story is good though. More interaction in the game, such as player movement and action would be great. It's very boring if there is no interaction, there are times were I would get bored and skim-read the dialogues and have my hands on the WASD keys preparing to move the character, but the game seems to feature little if no character movement whatsoever, I have not finished the game yet so I only know what I played up to so far. In a normal RPG game, if you have only gone through a bunch of dialogues at the start and have not interacted at all other than choosing the words of a character's speech, then that means you have not started the game properly yet. I know that this is intended to be more like a novel but I did expect it to be more like a game though. Perhaps it would be great if it was made so that the actions are done by the players such as picking up objects by pressing a key, walking up to people etc.
good thing this is listed as a visual novel and not an RPG
I’m not used to the visual novel genre so me coming from conventional video games, I find it less engaging and I thought that more interaction would be good especially for people with a shorter attention span like me. Also I finished the game btw.
ok cool but like..this is a good visual novel that abides by its genre's standards. saying "it would be great" if it did things visual novels rarely if ever do is not a really valid critique, it's a personal subjective issue with the format of this genre. i have very severe adhd and a very short attention span and still enjoyed this (and other games where i dont move the character but can activate my imagination) quite a lot
This was such a beautiful story, meaning both the storytelling and the visuals! Also, the choices are very thoughtfully built. (While I couldn't figure them out myself, after reading the guide in the artbook, I am impressed.) I enjoyed the little verses at the beginning of every day, was a nice little touch. And you did a great job with the foreshadowing of who Elowen is. I only wish there was more of the game, if we could have read more of the conversation between the two ladies in the seven days. I really enjoyed this game, you all did an amazing job, thank you for making it!
What an enjoyable experience. I'm still in the process of unlocking all the endings, but I wanted to say that I love the artwork and the writing. The GUI is also so stylish. Thank you for making this visual novel.
It's such a beautiful game and story. Thank you for creating it! :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS GAME I JUST FINISHED PLAYING THIS GAME AND IT'S EVERYTHING I COULD'VE ASKED FOR... The characters are so well-written it hurts, the background and just the art in general is so gorgeous and and suits the story so well, and I love the writing!! The dialogue flowed well and the verses (?) at the beginning of each day and ending were PERFECT, my favorite one was this one: "Without wisdom or experience,
storms shall ill-weathered be.
But when you are nearby, dear one,
no storms can bother me."
So cute... This game was so cute. I'm missing just one bad ending right now but I'll figure out how to get it eventually. THANK YOU!
Hello everyone! I hope you've been well. It was the 1 year release anniversary for Without a Voice a couple days ago, and while I couldn't prepare anything grand, I wanted to draw a Elowen/Cassidy kabedon, so I did!
Thank you for all the support and love throughout the year, everyone!
Honestly, I gotta say this is unexpectedly good. The art style, the music and the storyline just go so well together. Thank you guys for the masterpiece
Gorgeous game and story, wonderful soundtrack. It seems I got the "good ending" and it just touches my heart. Can't wait to discover the others.
I love the story but getting any good ending is hard. Sometimes it may be hard to tell if the choice is meaningful or not. And some answers sound a bit similar. Could you write some kind of ending guide?
Edit: After few more tries and rethinking my choices I was able to get Good Ending :D no more need of guide... at least for me ...
for the first good ending, you mostly need to do the top choices and only 2-3 bottom choices; make elowen love cassidy and screw alexander
for second ending, when you get the letter or write the letter for alexander in day three, you just need to choose all of the top options
or you just choose all top options in general for second ending
Artwork was great, the story was nice, but the gameplay to unlock stories was quite off. I couldn't find much logic into the outcomes, and had to follow a walkthrought list. Which is kinda sad. :o
I had the same experience, it feels like I was missing some things, like I didn't know enough of the backstory of this world.
This is truly stunningly beautiful. I ADORED the art, it seriously fascinated me! I COULD STARE AT THE CHARACTERS AND THOSE BACKGROUNDS FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG. This is just extremely well made and I could see the ton of hard work put into it! I love the story (although i don't know everything about it just yet, still exploring but but it's very interesting!) and the romance between the Elowen and Cassidy (ok but lemme take a moment to point out how beautiful their names are ;;) is so astonishingly well written, as i read through, i almost could feel cassidy's emotions, aNd HELL IT'S ADORABLE. Awesome story telling tho, although as a bookworm, i read EVERYTHING regardless, this never got boring at ANY point which happens a lot with many other games i played! LOVE THE CHARACTERS, THE GIRLS ARE MY BABIES NOW GOSH ILOVETHEMSOMUCH. oVEraLL, THANKS SOOOOOO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS!!!!! I'd love to support but being broke really isn't helping me here :'D cOLLEGE IS DOING ME DIRTY SO I NEED EVERY PENNY, but I'll definitely try and support when I got more money on my hands >-<

Lmao tho,,,, EVERYONE IS GETTING THE GOOD ENDINGS FIRST AND STRUGGLING WITH WITH THE BAD ENDINGS AND ENDING 8,,,, and then u got me,,, I GOT ENDING 8 FIRST,,, iS thAt weiRD??? =^='''''' I didn't even try cUz I juST stARteD pLAYinG. bUT I GOD I LOVED IT. Not leaving spoilers cuz apparently people are having a hard time with it? idk but comments be telling me that 0-0
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The was this visual novel was put together was like reading a play. The writing was in tune with the setting and time period and made the special moments and good endings wonderful. I only played through the 2 good endings, I was too scared to go and find all the bad ones. The was the love between Cassidy and Elowen progressed and bloomed dident seem rushed or burdened by common VN tropes. The fact that it was a Yuri love story wasent flaunted or just used as a excuse to show them nude/partially nude or suggestive. It the writing dident seem hindered and the story was written with such eloquence that it felt like a real story told through time. I loved everything, the writing, the poems, the art, and the music. Everything was put together in such a astonishing way that I couldent stop reading until I got both good endings. The romance is sweet and almost childlike, and the tinge of supernatural gave it more depth. I really enjoyed reading this beautiful story it was really amazing!
Such a beautiful VN, I really enjoyed reading it and finding all of the endings <3
And sorry for asking you here, but I couldn't find any email or anything like that: are you planning translating it in other languages, perhaps? My first language is Russian, I have a linguistics degree and I'm currently trying to find projects where I could participate so that later I would have a nice portfolio. I'd be really glad if you would agree to at least discuss this possibility. Thank you!
Hello! Thank you so much for playing, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!
We don't have any plans to translate it to other languages - I can't speak for the quality of the TL since I can't speak Russian, but there seems to already be a fan Russian TL of Without a Voice! I think the team name is Sol Taere..? Thank you so much for offering though.
Really enjoyed this, one of the better VN's I've ever played. The relationship between characters felt real and sincere, as well as individual choices affecting ending not just adding up points to a possible outcome. I can only look forward to your next project.
Aww thank you so much! We're so glad you enjoyed it. Balancing those points between the endings was definitely one of the trickier parts of making the game.
We're busily working on some more stuff, so hopefully we'll have that for people to enjoy soon!
I'll definitely play it when it comes out, thank you for the game!
Hi! I'm absolutely excited to play this game but I have a question. Would it be alright if I stream while playing this game? I'm new to streaming and have waited for the game to finally be released so I can play it on a stream, please reply to this comment and let me know! I appreciate the hard work put into the game and I will give full credit to everyone involved in the making of the game. Thanks! 😀
Hey there! Sorry for replying so late! Of course, I hope you have fun ❤︎
Typo it says "The final release was on May 20, 2020." its may 18 2020 and your final release was 59 days ago I think you got the wrong "M" month but the game was Really good
Thank you so much for playing! And... Oops!!! That's embarassing!!! I've edited the game page, thank you so much for the catch!
Nice contrast of good endings. I like my yuri romantic and you achieved that. Good job over all. Maybe we will see something else by ya'll.
First, let me say that this is so beautiful!! Thank you so much for creating this game. I love everything about it (I could listen to the music all day!)
I had purchased the DLC through Steam but I can’t seem to access it at all. I’m worried I should have downloaded it directly though itch in order to view.
Oh no! Sorry for getting to you so late!
On Steam, you'll have to go to the game folder itself. From Steam, try going to your local files and see if it's there! If it isn't please let me know and I'll figure something out for you.
Oh, and, thank you so much for playing!
Thank you for getting back to me. I was able to get to the DLC. I LOVED the game and the art. Such beautiful work.
I really enjoyed reading this! I especially liked the lovely background art with all the flowers. I also thought it was really cool how each character had their own little dialogue box that went translucent when the other was talking. If you ever consider writing up a tutorial on how you programmed that, I'd love to see it!
I have played this game on steam and I really loved it. Can't describe with words how much I ship those cuties <3 . Thanks for making this wonderful game.
I just completely finished Without a Voice and I just wanted to say I could see the huge amount of effort and love put into this project and I cannot wait to see what you will be producing in the future.
I just finished getting all of the endings and this game is so beautiful. All of the bad endings broke my heart, but the good endings were so lovely that it makes getting them all the more satisfying. I downloaded and played the game on steam but I've also happily purchased it here as well so I could get the beautiful artbook. <3
i really enjoyed this!! i'm currently trying to get a happier ending :( but wow!! this game is really beautiful with a great story!! super enjoyable, and congrats on the release!! <3
edit: i just got ending 8 and i could not be more pleased :')
I was wondering how you can get bad ending 1 and 2? They seem to be the hardest to get...
Congrats on the release!!!!
Thank you very much!!!!
I find myself utterly unable to get endings 2 and 8! Any hint, please? ;D
Ending 8 is the ending you get when you don't trigger the other endings - it's not too important but being a little nonsensical might help. For ending 2... try feeding into Cassidy's paranoia.
Edit: I made a mistake and I'm a terrible dev, I was describing ending 6 instead of 8!!!!!!!!!!! I am sorry. feralphoenix has it right though!!!
I am having the same problem xD, reply to me if you manage to get one of those.
i had a hard time with those too lol... there's a guide to how to get each ending in the artbook if you can afford throwing 5 bucks at the devs!
if not, i'm not sure what would be good advice for getting ending 2, but i think getting ending 8 takes a delicate balance of having cassidy believe the best of elowen/not dwell too much on her ~true nature~ while Also not completely giving up faith in alexander. at the "what's cassidy's final impression of elowen" choice i had all 4 options which had never happened before in my other playthroughs.
Oh dear, I spent another 2 hours yesterday trying to get those two missing endings... and I couldn't manage it. I've had all four options too and yet they did not make a difference.
It's nice to know that there's an artbook with a guide but right now it would be really irresponsible for me to spend money since I got sent home to be in lockdown without my paycheck :(
To the devs: you just released this and I'm already yearning for another game from you ;D
Ahh you can do it!!! Another tip for ending 2 would be, hmm... Cassidy needs to figure things out, while having a healthy dose of mistrust towards everyone around her.
ALSO thank you so much!!! We'll do our best!!!
So you said you were workin on it, and turns out, you were ACTUALLY REALLY workin on it! That is so rare!
Gongrats with release!
Is there any changes in first demo-days, or they can be skipped?
There's a little bit of updated CG directing and art! I think most of the text is the same but, (probably bad to admit this), I'm not entirely sure!
Well yeah it looked pretty much same to me. But thats ok.
And btw with this overly-complicated nonlinear system i really suggest you made a simpliest walkthrough to answer further cries and complaints - just plain list of choices for each ending.
Oh also, thank you so much!!
March 20...
┬┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬┴
WORKIN on it!!!!
Is this still in development? I just played the demo and really want to see where the story goes.
Oh, I hope you enjoyed it! It definitely still is in development, I just finished off the last event illustrations yesterday! It might take just a little longer, but I hope you'll play the full game too~
Yay! It had been so long since your last comment/update I was a little worried. I'm definately planning on getting the full game when it's availible.
You're off to a terrific start. The slight but consistent changes to Elowen's expressions (especially the lips) is to die for and what really make a VN pop. Keep up the great work!
I can't tell you how excited I was to see that this game updated!! I'm so glad that you are still working on it, and the new demo is really great - although the narrative didn't seem to change too much from the first (as I was hoping, it's a promising/interesting start), it's good that the choices become more dialogue-based. The visuals are beautiful and the story is so mysterious and enchanting. I can't wait for the full release!
Wow. This game is nice :D . Amazing art style and great sotry. I can't wait to see it complete :D
I love the artwork and the UI in the game. Nice work keep it up, I can't wait for more.
Beautiful art, and I like the story so far! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us with the full version!
This is a really beautiful game.
I really like the art style, mechanics, portraits to indicate who is speaking, background, story arc, characters, and all the options in the menu you can choose from.
When I first went through the game however I noticed the exact same as Crowthorne did about the limited options in choosing.
It feels like you can only choose how Cassidy is feeling about events (I counted and you have only one option for different movements instead of emotions/feelings in the demo).
What I also noticed is that the save system doesn't have an indication for the process of the game.
(You don't know where in the game you are)
Maybe you can introduce a percentage or day system or something.
Anyway I am really looking forward to the game.
(let the romance start already!) ;)
Thank you so much for the feedback! We're working hard on the full version and I think there's some things that people will like!
I will definitely consider the save system info - I'm thinking of maybe putting in playtime as a piece of info into the save slot? That being said, I'm not great at coding so I'm not sure if that's viable. Maybe chapter titles?
Thanks so much again! I hope you enjoy the full release.
Wow. I was REALLY impressed by this demo. The art is beautiful, and it's evident that your writer is well-read from the quality of the prose. I'll eagerly await the full version!
Thank you very much!!! We hope you'll enjoy the full game as well!
I really liked this. The music is quite beautiful and fits the tone of the game well, the art is gorgeous (the backgrounds remind me a little of Odin Sphere, which I haven't really played but was very impressed with the background art of when I saw it), and the writing is evocative and polished.
The starting point was a little confusing the first time. I didn't even know what Cassidy was exasperated by or tired with, when I was making the choice...
The choices in the demo didn't feel that significant (a lot of them being what Cassidy thinks while doing the same thing), the first time playing through, but I did notice one of the earlier choices actually removing an option from a later choice, so I'm guessing the full game may have more significant ones. I wouldn't really mind playing what amounts to a kinetic novel that's yuri and looks this pretty, either, though.
Either way, I'm excited to play the full game. I still have lots of questions, and the demo mostly just raised more.
P.S. The in-game link to this page during the demo ending doesn't work, sending you to "https//" (missing a colon). Also, I think "Elowen's" here should be "Cassidy's"? Still a stunning level of polish, though.
(Version: 0.3)
Thank you very much!!! It's really flattering to be compared to Odin Sphere wah ;o; Thanks for spotting the mistakes, we'll definitely snipe them for the full release!
Lore is doing some pretty cool stats for the in-game choices and there are a number of significantly different endings! It's a short game but there a ton of variations, even in the demo alone. We'll try our best to get this released soon!